- Cell Phones and Mobile Plans
TRC is a cell phone company in Jordan with mobile services and internet plans for people and business.
TRC is a cell phone company in Jordan.


Company : TRC
Website :  TRC

Phone : (+962) 6 550 1120
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

TRC Jordan: Fostering Responsible and Efficient Telecommunications

The TRC (Telecommunications Regulatory Commission) is an independent entity of the Government of Jordan responsible for regulating the country's telecommunications sector. Established in 2002, the TRC plays a vital role in ensuring fair competition, consumer protection, and sustainable development of telecommunications in Jordan.

TRC's Functions

  • Operator licensing: The TRC issues licenses to operators of mobile telephony, fixed telephony, internet, and value-added services, such as cable television and mobile financial services.
  • Tariff and pricing regulation: The TRC regulates the tariffs and prices of telecommunications services to ensure they are fair and affordable for consumers.
  • Dispute resolution: The TRC resolves disputes between operators and consumers.
  • Competition promotion: The TRC promotes competition in the telecommunications sector to stimulate innovation and price reduction.
  • Consumer protection: The TRC protects consumers from unfair business practices and ensures the quality of telecommunications services.
  • Regulation development: The TRC develops and updates the regulations of the telecommunications sector to reflect the latest technological advances and market needs.

TRC's Achievements

  • Introduction of competition in the mobile sector: The TRC introduced competition in the mobile sector in 2002, leading to a reduction in tariffs and an improvement in the quality of services.
  • Promotion of investment in infrastructure: The TRC has promoted investment in telecommunications infrastructure, increasing coverage and quality of services throughout the country.
  • Consumer protection: The TRC has established a number of measures to protect consumers, such as the introduction of a code of conduct for telecommunications operators and the creation of a consumer call center.
  • Development of a sound regulatory framework: The TRC has developed a sound regulatory framework that meets international best practices.

Future Challenges

  • Adaptation to new technologies: The TRC must adapt to new technologies, such as 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT), to ensure that regulations remain relevant and effective.
  • Promoting digital inclusion: The TRC must work to promote digital inclusion and ensure that all Jordanians have access to affordable and quality telecommunications services.
  • Cybersecurity: The TRC must address cybersecurity challenges and protect consumers from online threats.


In conclusion, the TRC plays a vital role in the development of the telecommunications sector in Jordan. The TRC has played a major role in introducing competition, promoting investment, and protecting consumers. However, the TRC faces significant challenges in the future, such as adapting to new technologies and promoting digital inclusion. The TRC must continue to work to ensure that Jordan's telecommunications sector remains competitive, innovative, and beneficial to all Jordanians.

Phones in Jordan: Zain, Orange, Umniah, TRC
The customer can compare cell phone companies and the different options of plans and packages. List of the best mobile phone companies and smartphones in Jordan. Analysis of the market of mobile carriers, telecommunications and the use of technology in the future of the country.
Jordan TRC 2024
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